Christ University Road, 30 Valor Court At Post: Dasve Lavasa,Taluka: Mulshi Pune 412112, Maharashtra.

Focus : Data Analyst, Data Engineer

Specifications : Data Analysis, Model Building, Econometrics


Python: Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scikit‑learn, TensorFlow, Keras, ChatterBot, R Programming: ggplot, Dplyr, MySql, Tableu, PowerBi, Eviews, Stata, GitHub, Advanced Ms - Excel, Soft Skills,


Outdoor Sports like Football, Basketball, Cricket, Cooking, Gaming


Motivated and detail‑oriented second‑year Bachelor of Science student in Economics and Analysis at CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Pune Lavasa Campus, with a passion for data analysis and machine learning. Seeking opportunities to leverage expertise in various programming languagesandeconometrictechniquestocontributeeffectivelyinadynamicenvironment. CurrentlypreparingfortheCFALevel1examtofurther enhance knowledge in finance and banking sectors

Employment History

Intern Data Analyst , GKB Labs and IT Solutions
2023-08 - 2023-09
  • Data Insights & Decision Support: Leveraged CRM data to extract actionable insights, driving informed decision-making for business operations and strategy.
  • Data Analysis & Manipulation: Applied advanced data analysis techniques using Python, MS Excel, and MySQL to process, clean, and analyze large datasets, identifying trends and opportunities.
  • Technical Expertise: Proficient in Python (NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Scikit-learn), MySQL, MS Excel, Power BI, and Git, effectively integrating tools for data analytics and visualization.
  • Soft Skills: Strong collaboration and teamwork abilities, with proven time management, communication, and presentation skills to deliver impactful results and meet deadlines.

Education History

High School Education - 89 %
2007-07 / 2019-03
BSRKV, Sainikpuri
Higher Secondary Education - 69 %
2019-06 / 2021-03
BSRKV, Sainikpuri